Professional Activism
To increase our representation across American society, we should engage with the alumni associations and boards of our colleges. These organizations offer valuable networking for personal and professional growth and give us access to college administrators and trustees at our alma maters.
In a Nutshell
As we seek greater representation across American society, one avenue to explore is the alumni clubs, associations, and boards of the colleges and universities we attended. Beyond offering excellent networking opportunities for our own professional and personal growth, these organizations allow us to connect with and support members of our community as they apply to, attend, graduate from our academic institution. They also provide us with access to college administrators, board members, trustees, and the current college community of our alma mater.
Success Stories
The Ask
Join your college alumni association, particularly any local clubs or chapters. With a fairly reasonable amount of volunteer involvement, you should be able to secure a position on the alumni clubs executive team and eventually on the board. Encourage others you know to register as members and volunteer with the alumni chapter, aiming to grow within the local leadership and board.
Improve your network by successfully engaging with successful fellow alum of your college
Get a seat at the table: That is, get representation in your college’s strategic and administrative policies and decisions, thereby enhancing the strength and voice of students from our community.
Scaling the play
Share within your circle of Pakistani /Muslim Americans getting them to try out this play
Reach out to the PSA and MSA organizations in your college to contact their alums with this play